The guaco is a potent humidifier of the superior aerial roads, traditionally used in the popular medicine. The presence of the pure honey Uniflora provides a pleasant flavor that facilitates the ingestion, besides providing to the organism the benefits one of the most complete natural food.
The Mikania glomerata, popularly known as guaco is original of South America, being found in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and in Brazil, especially in the South areas and Southeast. The plant develops as a creeper and it is born in the forests and in the meadow, adapting very well to the domestic cultivation. Its dried leave presents strong balsamic scent.
The guaco presents in your composition tannins, saponines, resins, cumarins, guacosideo, guacina (substance makes bitter) and essential oil (contains di and sesquiterpens). The guaco facilitates the fluidifying of the exudate trachea bronchi so that it can be more easily expelled by the reflex of the cough. It acts relaxing the flat musculature of the aerial roads, mainly bronchi and make appreciable sudorific effect, wanted in the feverish cases.
According to consulted literature, the recommended dosage of the honey with propolis and guaco doesn't show any collateral effects.
Adult: 01 tablespoon 03 times a day.
Child: 01 dessert spoon 03 times a day.
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